Sunday, November 1, 2009

L.L. Ockegem- Gloria from the Missa Mi-mi

I found this fantastic work on youtube, and was blown away by it. The pictures which drift in and out of focus depict galaxies and universal phenomena, all too fitting with the sense of awe the music conveys.
Ockegem is considered to be the most important composer in the time between Dufay and Josquin des Prez.
The "Missa Mi-mi," is also referred to as the "Missa Quarti Toni." The work is very extensive and melismatic, and the typical performance time generally reaching an hour. Most of his early masses use the cantus firmus technique for thematic material, however, the Missa Mi-mi, along with some of his later works, shows an extreme amount of freedom, with all new material.
The performers are the Cappella Pratensis, with Rebecca Stewart.
It's unfortunate, but I could not find any more information online that explores this work in greater detail, so I have downloaded the entire mass, and hope to get some better understanding of Ockegem's personality and style.

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